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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mavs Take Title, Dirk Finals MVP


Congrats to the 2011 NBA Champions Dallas Mavericks for a great season. I doubted the Mavs the whole year and although they swept the Lakers, I am especially grateful that this team beat the detested Miami Heat. 

Sorry LeBron. Maybe next year you can win... if you show up in the fourth quarter. And Chris Bosh, you are a little girl. I saw you crying heading into the locker room at the end of the game. I had hoped it was LeBron that would be shedding tears, but I'll take the guy who has butterflies in his stomach.

Congrats to Dirk for winning the Bill Russel Finals MVP trophy and leading his team to victory. The Heat deserved to lose and the Mavs deserved to win. Even Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert recognizes this fact.

"Congrats to Mark C. & entire Mavs org. Mavs NEVER stopped & now entire franchise gets rings. Old Lesson for all: There are NO SHORTCUTS. NONE," said Gilbert.

I love it how he gets in a shot at LBJ. He won't forget "The Decision" and has previously said the Cavs will win a championship before LBJ does. Hopefully, LBJ realizes he can't win a championship with the Heat and calls for a trade to the Lakers.

I'm just saying. If the Lakers can get former Cavaliers head coach Mike Brown, why can't Jim Buss get LeBron?


  1. mr. brown wants to face lebron in the finals next year not team up with him again and have a feud besides if the heat cant get a groove going for a ring next year, which will be shocking, miami could have the talent to pull howard from the lakers...... lebron for howard????

    congratulations to the flopsters
    barea, sto jack up threes ovic, cardy, and most of all haywood

  2. hey i dont get why everyone is making fun of the heat for crying i know it was repetitive but at least it shows that they care about what they are doing and dont take their whole career as a joke which is exactly what some players do (carmelo, tmac) and unlike some retarded heat players damp to be specific who were at the mavs celebration party
