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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mike Brown Replaces Phil Jackson

Today the Los Angeles Lakers officially announced the signing of Mike Brown as head coach. Brown becomes the 22nd head coach in team history and looks forward to the bright future.

I personally didn't want Mike Brown because I felt there were better candidates to fill the position, especially Brian Shaw. I also wouldn't have minded Rick Adelman or Jeff Van Gundy as Phil's replacement. But I'm not Jim Buss and I'm not making the decisions.

What's done is done and now the Lakers have a smart defensive-minded coach in Mike Brown. I hope he still holds a grudge against LeBron James, which is almost impossible for him not to, and can motivate himself and the team to win a title next year. 

"As long as the group is willing, which it sounds like it is, we'll get it done," he said. "We want to be at the top forever."

I like to hear that from a head coach. But will he get the job done? Also, who will fill the rest of his coaching staff? Will he completely bring in new assistant coaches or retain a few? Will John Kuester be fired and join him in Los Angeles?

So many questions that will soon be answered, but one question that will not be answered until much later, or mybe not at all if there is a lockout, is how far the Lakers will go next year.

I don't think Brown can lead this team to Finals one year into his coaching stint with the Lakers and especially when the roster is old and depleted. Unless he proves to me he deserved this position next season, I will keep on harping about how the Lakers could have 
signed a better head coach.

When Mike Brown was asked about all this criticism and skepticism, he coolly responded. It shows his composure and his confidence.

"Everybody is entitled to their opinion, I respect that," he said. "Winning will cure all of that."

But winning takes a whole another definition with the Lakers. The season is a failure if the Lakers don't win the title each season. Fans expect nothing but the best. 

So the question still undoubtedly remains. Can Mike Brown lead the Los Angeles Lakers to the 2012 NBA Championship?


  1. mr brown fully knows what he is doing and will lead the lakers to west champions for three straight years but mr brown should not put the detroit head coach on his roster even though he was an assistant on his teams because he is not liked by the pistons so he will not be liked by kobe

  2. Good points. The Lakers dont want a rebellion led by Kobe against Kuester like T-Mac and Rip Hamilton initiated. I say he goes and gets Mo Cheeks, Dwyane Casey, and keeps Brian Shaw.

  3. yes that would be a great idea for a defensive oriented team but shaw probably wont and shouldn't stay

  4. ya i think brian shaw will coach the warriors. he doesnt deserve to submit to mike brown's oppressive ways

  5. the lakers assistants dont have much success outside of the lakers

  6. probably not. phil was responsible for most of the coaching. but i think brian shaw can do pretty well and be successful if he is hired by the right organization.

  7. phil jackson will go to the ny knicks for general manager/prez but not the coach
